Understanding the Basics of Inner Child Work


Understanding the Basics of Inner Child Work

Recovering from the wounds of a difficult childhood

Growing up to a glorious life


Inner child work is a therapeutic practice that focuses on reconnecting with the childlike aspect of ourselves. This is the part that holds orur childhood experiences, emotions, and memories. Inner child work aims to heal these parts of our childhood that we have long forgotten, often leading to profound emotional healing and potential for personal growth. This article will delve into the basics of inner child work, its significance, and how it can impact your life.

What is Inner Child Work?

Inner child work involves recognizing, healing and  nurturing the child within us who may have been neglected, hurt, or traumatized. This concept has its root in the understanding that our early childhood experiences significantly shape our adult behaviors, emotions, and beliefs. As we forget this history, we have less and less access to integrated these fragmented parts of ourself.  By addressing and healing these early wounds, we can improve our mental and emotional health and our overall well-being.

The Foundation of Inner Child Work

  1. Acknowledgment: We begin by recognizing that an inner child exists and acknowledging the impact of this child’s experiences on the present.
  2. Engagement: Meeting and engaging with the inner child through various therapeutic techniques such as writing, meditation and visualization.
  3. Healing: We provide the inner child with the love, safety, and validation they lacked during their formative years.

Techniques Used in Inner Child Work

    • Visualization: Visualizing oneself as a child and having our adult selves interact with that younger self in a compassionate and loving manner is an integral part of inner chld work. For some, this may be difficult if they are not very visual or have deep fears about revisiting traumatic parts of their childhood. Even if visuals do not appear vividly at first, these guided exercises aid perception or remembrance of childhood through body sensations or  intuitions that bring an awareness of what the person has been dealing with. 
    • Journaling: Writing letters to or from the inner child to express feelings and uncover hidden emotions is a very powerful technique to address childhood trauma. These are generally written with the non-dominant hand while writing from the inner child to the adult self. This prompts surfacing of lost memories and forgotten feelings. Letters are written from the adult self to the child communicating love and healing pledging to be with them and care for them. 
    • Guided Meditations: The child self is easy to guide to a peaceful or playful place with music and a soothing voice. These allow for relaxation and energisation as well as releasing emotional pain. 
  • Affirmations: Talking to our inner child in a soothing voice and saying the things they have longed to hear to feel welcome, safe and loved supports healing. These affirmations replace the harsh words the wounded inner child has heard and internalized. They also calm anxiety and intrusive thoughts and create the foundation to build positive frames of reference. 

The Role of a Therapist

Working with a therapist provides a structured and safe environment for inner child work. Therapists offer guidance, support, and professional insights that can enhance the healing process. Inner Child work must address the questions that come up from members of a group participating in a workshop. A therapist ensures that by doing this it is an interactive process and all group members learn from each other in safe, non-judgemental space. 

Benefits of Inner Child Work

  1. Emotional Healing: The foremost benefit of Inner Child work is that to address and heal childhood wounds. It clears the confusion of why you feel the way you do and offers a method of validating your past pain and letting it go to bring relief and stability.
  2. Self-Acceptance: Embracing the inner child helps foster a sense of self-acceptance and self-love. The reasons why you constantly blamed and criticized yourself don’t hold good any longer. You see the background for the mistakes you made and can be kinder to yourself to foster real self love. 
  3. Improved Relationships: When you heal yourself – the way you communicate and stand up for yourself in relationships changes. You know how to draw healthy boundaries and be compassionate to the other because you have learnt to love and honor yourself. 
  4. Personal Growth: By understanding and integrating past experiences, individuals can achieve significant personal growth and development.


Understanding the basics of inner child work is the first step toward healing and personal transformation. By acknowledging, engaging with, and healing your inner child, you can unlock profound emotional healing and growth. Whether through group or personal sessions, inner child work offers a pathway to a saner, healthier and more fulfilling life. 

Sign up now

If you’re interested in exploring inner child work, consider joining a group workshop or signing up for personal sessions. This work is a must for everyone looking to lead a stress free life, clear the confusing patterns of their own behavior and relate with greater connection to themselves, their families, friends, co-workers and associates. Embrace the journey of reconnecting with your inner child and discover the profound impact it can have on your life.

The Inner Child Workshop

Workshop Dates: 8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16,17th July Timings 6pm to 8 pm
Workshop Dates: 8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16,17th July Timings 6pm to 8 pm

Call 9999966540 for a special offer.


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